Hi, I'm Elliot Gooding. Developer.

My Skills

About me

Hi, I'm Elliot, a dedicated college student with a strong passion for software development. I've always been drawn to programming due to its fascinating ability of solving complex problems. This fascination with problem solving is what drives me to proactively learn new skills and information so I can move on to bigger, and harder problems.

I am proficient at the following languages and tools:

  • Python
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java
  • Git
  • C++


GCSE Computer Science Grade 9
GCSE Maths Grade 9
GCSE Further Maths Grade 9
GCSE Physics Grade 9
GCSE Chemistry Grade 9
GCSE Biology Grade 9
UKMT Senior Gold
UKMT Intermediate Gold

I also have various high level music qualifications which I have achieved in my free time

My Projects

3D Wireframe Renderer
3D Game + collision physics
Recreation of google dinosaur
Check out my 3D wireframe renderer
A computer is required. GitHub link
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Made without any graphics libraries. All projection, clipping, rasterising, and rendering algorithms have been designed by me, with a lot of maths and a lot of dedication.

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